Confusion over the Pages is uderstandable and easily remedied. Our Pages bring us information about an opportunity that is known but has not arrived. All of the Pages say: "Here it comes!"
Any Page showing up in a spread is telling us an opportunity is iminent. Are you ready to accept it? Are you ready to deal with it? Like it or not it something is on the way.
When I see a Page of Wands in my spread I know I'm going to have a conversation, or receive a text, email or letter that I have been waiting for. Did the boss want to talk to me? OK, here comes the conversation. Am I waiting for something to come in the mail? Hooray, it's on the way.
When the Page of Cups shows up in my spread, I know something fun or joyful is ready to solidify. It could be a loving conversation with one of my children, a get together with a friend I am looking forward to, or something good happening at work.
The Page of Pentacles tells me I need more information regarding a financial opportunity. If I am looking for something to purchase, It would be to my benefit to explore my options and think outside of the normal choices. The dress I am looking for is not where I plan to shop.
When the Page of Swords shows up I know I am going to let go of an opportunity or situation. The time to release is coming (whether I want to or not.)
How we perceive the opportunity coming in is personal. Our focus should be on the suit that is presented.